iStock_000054793736_Medium - CopyIt’s so easy to reach for pain killers when we hurt.  They’re cheap, and you can take them with you any where. Unfortunately these drugs have serious side effects that could end up killing you. “Much of the literature these days reports 16,500 deaths annually as a result of NSAID-induced GI bleeding.”(1)  That number however, was from 1999 and the numbers are going up every year.  Opoid drugs, which are typically prescribed account for even more deaths.  “Nearly three-quarters of the 20,044 prescription drug-related deaths (14,800) were linked to opioid pain relievers. This equates to 4.8 deaths due to opioid overdose per 100,000 people in the US. By the year 2010, an estimated 16,651 overdose deaths were linked to opioid pain relievers; 6,631 in women and 10,020 in men. This represents an alarming increase from 1999—415% for women and 265% for men.”(1)

These drugs are just plain dangerous and need to be used with extreme caution.  I understand how completely debilitating and depressing pain can be.   That’s why I needed to find another solution for people to take instead of taking pills.   Exercise, spinal adjustments, movements therapy, and diet changes can all assist you in overcoming chronic pain.  The beauty is the only side effects from these things are good ones. You move better, and feel better.  If your curious if AXIS method training or adjustments could help you, call us for a free consult.  You have nothing to lose except possibly your pain.

